Thursday, December 10, 2009

Website Launched—

The website of The Pilgrim’s Way to St. Patrick’s Purgatory has officially launched at

It includes nine chapters, each devoted to a different aspect of this pilgrimage route, including an introduction and a taxonomy of pilgrimage describing how this route fits conceptually into the entire complex of Christian pilgrimage. 

Several chapters also lay out the background for the route as derived from pilgrims’ stories and early maps, placing it within the geographical context of other medieval European pilgrimage routes. 

The route itself is presented in chapters that cover:

  • The route from station to station.
  • The monuments along the route and their history, including a chapter devoted to the destination: Lough Derg with its two famous islands: Station Island and Saints Island. 
  • The saints associated with this route and their relics. 
  • In addition, there are links to galleries of photographs and a Google Map of the route. 
  • Plus a bibliography of relevant topics linked to WorldCat. 

Please visit:
And please post here any comments, corrections or suggestions.